Monitoring visits to institutions etc. for children in 2020

The table immediately below shows the number of visits which we carried out to institutions etc. for children in 2020. In addition, it shows the total numbers of talks we had with children and young people (referred to collectively as ‘users’) and with relatives and any guardians (referred to collectively as ‘relatives etc.’). The Ombudsman cooperates on monitoring activities with DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture and the Danish Institute for Human Rights (IMR), which participate in a number of monitoring visits, among other things. Therefore, the table also shows the total numbers of visits in which DIGNITY and IMR participated. In addition, it shows the numbers of announced and unannounced visits, the numbers of physical and virtual visits and how many visits were concluded with and without recommendations, respectively.

The visits which we carried out in 2020 are listed below the table. For each visit, information is provided about the type of institution etc. visited, how many talks we had with users and with relatives etc., whether DIGNITY and/or IMR participated and any recommendations given to the institution. If the visit caused the Ombudsman to open one or more cases on his own initiative, this is also stated.


'Hollænderhusene', Næstved

Municipal residential institution for children and young people with severe physical, mental and cognitive disabilities

Talks with 1 user and 6 relatives etc.

DIGNITY participated

The visiting team recommended that 'Hollænderhusene':

  • continue endeavours to prevent and reduce the incidence of use of force

  • consider drawing up internal guidelines on use of physical force which explain, in an easy-to-understand way, the powers of staff in relation to use of physical force, including how they are permitted to use physical force

  • ensure the holders of parental responsibility – and to the extent possible also the children and young people themselves – are informed about their rights in relation to use of force and other restrictions on the right of self-determination, including about their right to complain, on the children and young people’s arrival

  • observe deadlines for recording and reporting use of force

  • continue the process of drawing up written guidelines on how violence and sexual abuse are to be prevented and the procedure for handling suspected abuse

  • continue the process of implementing its new medicine handling directions

  • update its medicine handling directions to include the handling of medicines for children in respite care, clarification on the handling of non-prescribed products (such as dietary supplements) which parents want their children to take and detailed directions on pouring out ‘as required’ medicines
The visit caused the Ombudsman to open two cases on his own initiative about the institution’s use of beds with high sides and its locking system, respectively.

'Himmelev Behandlingshjem', Hvalsø

Regional residential institution for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders

In-house school

Talks with 5 users and 3 relatives etc.

DIGNITY participated

The visiting team recommended that 'Himmelev Behandlingshjem':

  • continue endeavours to prevent and reduce the incidence of use of force

  • observe deadlines for recording and reporting use of force

  • expand its written guidelines on prevention of violence and sexual abuse and the procedure for handling suspected abuse, and ensure focus on the children learning, to the extent relevant, to handle their sexuality

  • update, in collaboration with the municipality of location, the agreement on schooling in the in-house school (with regard to current rules and factual information)

  • ensure compliance with the rules on teaching the full range of subjects and on reduction of the number of class hours per year

  • ensure compliance with the rules on exemption from subjects and from compulsory national tests and lower secondary school examinations

  • ensure the staff of the in-house school know the scope of the Act on Adult Responsibility for Children and Young Persons in Out-of-Home Care

  • continue to consider how its directions on the handling of medicines and on health matters can be made more practical to use for staff

  • ensure consistency between the directions and practical medicine handling guidance hanging on walls

The visit caused the Ombudsman to open four cases on his own initiative about children placed in the institution not having an action plan.

Foster family, Central Denmark Region

Specialised foster family

Talks with 3 users and 2 relatives etc.

IMR participated

The monitoring visit did not give rise to any recommendations.

'Specialområde Børn og Unge, afd. Ulfborghus', Ulfborg

Regional residential institution for children and young people with an autism spectrum diagnosis or autism-like traits coupled with significant specific learning difficulties or an intellectual or developmental disability

In-house school

Talks with 4 users and 5 relatives etc.

DIGNITY and IMR participated

The visiting team recommended that 'Ulfborghus':

  • observe deadlines for recording and reporting use of force

  • ensure compliance with the rules on exemption from subjects and documentation of this

  • ensure compliance with the rules on exemption from compulsory national tests and lower secondary school examinations and documentation of this

  • update, in collaboration with the municipality of location, the agreement on schooling in line with the applicable rules

  • draw up local directions on the handling of medicines, including the dispensing and administration of regular and ‘as required’ medicines, which comply with the guidance notes issued by the Danish Health Authority on the drawing up of directions

'Ravnbjerghus', Hadsund

Private accommodation facility for children and young people with milder to more severe mental retardation or with autism spectrum disorders and in some cases also with minor physical disabilities

Talks with 2 users and 3 relatives etc.

DIGNITY participated

The visiting team recommended that 'Ravnbjerghus':

  • continue endeavours to ensure that staff have an adequate knowledge of the rules on use of force of the legislation on adult responsibility for children and young persons in out-of-home care

  • continue endeavours to prevent and reduce the incidence of use of force

  • consider expanding its internal guidelines on use of physical force to include (a) a description of the rules on physical guiding and on briefly holding or leading a person away when this is necessary to prevent substantial damage to property, (b) information about deadlines for recording and reporting and (c) information about how it is permitted to use physical force

  • ensure children, young people and holders of parental responsibility are also informed about their complaint options when they are informed, on the children and young people’s arrival, about their rights in relation to use of force and other restrictions on the right of self-determination

  • ensure an adequate description of the course of events (both before and during the incident) is provided in the forms in which use of force is reported

  • observe deadlines for recording and reporting use of force

  • consider drawing up written guidelines on prevention of violence and sexual abuse and the procedure for handling suspected abuse

  • consider how its directions on the handling of medicines and on health matters can be made more practical to use for staff

  • consider drawing up guidelines on prevention and handling of self-harm

'Specialindsats for Børn og Unge – Mellerup', Randers

Municipal residential institution for children and young people with, for instance, moderate or severe mental retardation or pervasive developmental disorders, milder or moderate developmental disorders within the autism spectrum and/or attention deficit disorders

In-house school

Talks with 8 users and 9 relatives etc.

DIGNITY participated

The visiting team recommended that 'Mellerup':

  • continue endeavours to ensure that staff have an adequate knowledge of the rules on use of force of the legislation on adult responsibility for children and young persons in out-of-home care

  • continue endeavours to prevent and reduce the incidence of use of force

  • consider a staff training course on gentle grips in connection with use of force

  • observe deadlines for recording and reporting use of force

  • ensure an adequate description of the course of events (both before and during the incident) is provided in the forms in which use of force is reported

  • consider drawing up written guidelines on prevention of violence and sexual abuse

  • comply with the rules on teaching the full range of subjects and on the number of class hours per year

  • comply with the rules on exemption from subjects and from compulsory national tests and lower secondary school examinations

'Handicapcenter Fyn – Børnehusene Stjernen', Odense

Regional residential institution for children and young people with substantially and permanently impaired mental and in many cases also physical functioning

Talks with 12 relatives etc.

DIGNITY and IMR participated


The visiting team recommended that 'Børnehusene Stjernen':

  • ensure local additions to the regional guidelines on use of force are drawn up and that they state that it is the principal of the institution or the deputy for the principal who must record incidents involving use of force within 24 hours of the incident

  • ensure the holders of parental responsibility – and to the extent possible also the children and young people themselves – are informed about their rights in relation to use of force and other restrictions on the right of self-determination, including about their right to complain, on the children and young people’s arrival, and that the local additions to the regional guidelines state that this must be done

  • ensure reports on use of force include adequate information about the grounds for the use of force and management’s assessment of the use of force

  • ensure it is stated in reports on use of force that the holder of parental responsibility has been informed about the use of force

  • observe deadlines for recording and reporting use of force

  • ensure staff have a knowledge of signs of sexual abuse, and consider drawing up guidelines – perhaps in collaboration with the region – on the procedure for handling suspected sexual abuse

'Baunegård', Værløse

Municipal residential institution for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders and possibly additional diagnoses, such as learning difficulties or ADHD

Talks with 11 user and 7 relatives etc.

DIGNITY and IMR participated

The visiting team recommended that 'Baunegård':

  • ensure all employees are aware that the Act on Adult Responsibility for Children and Young Persons in Out-of-Home Care is not applicable to young people in aftercare

  • consider drawing up internal guidelines on use of physical force which explain, in an easy-to-understand way, the powers of staff in relation to use of physical force, including how they are permitted to use physical force

  • be aware that the rule on self-defence does not authorise use of force but is a rule under which an act will under certain circumstances be exempt from prosecution

  • complete drawing up written information material, in collaboration with the municipality, for both children and holders of parental responsibility about their rights in relation to use of force etc. to be given to them on the children’s arrival

  • use the form in the Executive Order on Adult Responsibility for Children and Young Persons in Out-of-Home Care for recording and reporting use of force

  • ensure the times of recording and reporting entered in the forms in which use of force is reported are correct

  • update the local sexuality policy to include, among other things, information about the physical and mental signs of which staff must be aware in relation to suspected sexual abuse

  • ensure it is clear which set of directions on the handling of medicines is valid, and consider rewriting the comprehensive municipal directions into truly local directions based on local circumstances

  • continue to consider how to ensure parents feel included and are given information about their children on a regular basis

'Fonden ConCura' – 'Opholdsstedet Bredmosegård' and 'ConCura Skolen'

Private accommodation facility for children and young people with impaired physical or mental functioning or psychiatric disorders

Daytime therapeutic facility with in-house school

Talks with 4 users and 8 relatives etc.

DIGNITY and IMR participated

The visiting team recommended that 'ConCura':

  • consider a staff training course on the Act on Adult Responsibility for Children and Young Persons in Out-of-Home Care, including on gentle grips in connection with use of force

  • update its guidelines on use of force to be geared specifically to the facility and to comply with the legislation on adult responsibility for children and young persons in out-of-home care

  • ensure children, young people and holders of parental responsibility are informed about their rights in relation to use of force, including their right to complain, on the children and young people’s arrival

  • ensure the times of recording and reporting entered in the forms in which use of force is reported are correct

  • update its guidelines on prevention and handling of violence and sexual abuse to include information about the physical and mental signs of which staff must be aware in relation to suspected sexual abuse and about the procedure for handling suspected abuse

  • ensure the agreement on schooling is updated – in collaboration with the municipality of location – in line with the applicable rules

  • ensure staff of the in-house school know which rules apply to use of force in the school

Foster family, Region of Southern Denmark

Specialised foster family

Talks with 32 users and 2 relatives etc.

DIGNITY participated


The visiting team recommended that the foster family:

  • acquire knowledge of the rules of the Act on Adult Responsibility for Children and Young Persons in Out-of-Home Care, particularly the rules on physical guiding and on briefly holding or leading a person away when this is necessary to prevent substantial damage to property

1. A young person over the age of 18
2. Including one young person over the age of 18